If you’re a school, corporate or a social service agency seeking to meet the needs in the community, we’d love to partner you.
Don’t see any thing that interests you? Contact us at care@calvary.sg to explore the possibility of other partnership opportunities as well!
Impact the lives of our beneficiaries and your staff today.
Employee-led or corporate-led partnerships bring talented individuals and resources together for the greater good of the community. Giving back to the community boosts the morale and team spirit of your staff and organisation. We can partner with you to:
Create Impact Together
“What youths lack in experience, we make up with exposure”
The following partners have engaged our ACE students at their workplaces:
Create a Giving Culture
We invite schools and SSAs to partner with us, C3 can
If you are a school, SSA or an organisation and you see a need we can meet through partnership, do contact us at 6281 1866 or email care@calvary.sg with the header Partnership Inquiries: Programmes to explore this option with us.
Co-Create Impact
Whether you are an individual, school group, or simply a group of friends who want to create impact together, there are endless opportunities for us to co-create!
We can partner with you/your group to:
Do contact us at 6281 1866 or email care@calvary.sg with the header Partnership Inquiries: Causes to explore this option with us!