Year 2021
November 2021

From clueless to avid reader

November 16, 2021

From clueless to avid reader

Coming from a non English-speaking family, Janice started C3’s GROW programme in K1 with poor attention span.  She had no alphabet knowledge and no word recognition but did possess an inkling of phonological awareness.  To cater to her reading level, she was placed in the lower tier of the K1 GROW lessons.

Every child CAN read, they just need someone to teach them how to!

Despite her initial struggles to learn, Janice showed great potential and made remarkable progress. Within 20 lessons, she emerged the top scorer in the K1 GROW post-test!

Sadly, she did not continue with the GROW programme in K2 as her parents opted for another support programme offered at the childcare centre.  At the end of K2, her progress was significantly lower than the classmates who continued with the K2 GROW lessons.

Helping each child reach their fullest reading potential

Unwilling to give up on Janice, C3 reached out to her when she started P1 and offered to continue working with her.  Through the weekly online sessions (due to Covid-19), she made quick progress in her phonics skills and word recognition ability within two months.

As her reading proficiency continued to improve by leaps and bounds, she was soon placed in the iREAD programme (where she reads stories online with a reading mentor twice a week) to spark her interest in reading.

Today, as an avid reader!

Janice is one of the many children with whom we have had the privilege of supporting in her reading journey and contributing to her reading success. She has truly transformed from a clueless learner to an avid reader. Now she often declares, “My favourite hobby is reading!”

From cluelss to avid reader

“My favourite hobby is reading!”

It is our mission to help children like Janice develop proficient reading skills as well as a love for reading. This is critical for a chance to succeed in Singapore’s education system.